Friday, August 23, 2013

Project Life Week 15

Project Life 2013- Week 15

A Sunday trip to the park, a week full of daycare activities and a birthday party completed our week.  

Week 15
This week includes an insert because it was my son's 2nd birthday.  His birthday was so much fun.  We played pin the banana on Curious George (even the grown-ups played...actually they had more fun than the kids) and had an Ice Cream Sundae buffet. Both activities were a HUGE hit!
I cut off part of Design F and added a flagged paperclip to help identify the insert. However, the clip keeps falling off!  Now I have to find another way to add a tab or something to help identify the insert. Any ideas?

The weather was so nice that we took a quick trip to a local park.  Nothing fancy about this page other than the fact that I adhered the LIVE flair badge on the outside of the protector. And now that I think about it that is not fancy either. HA. I added the title directly onto the white space of the picture of the tree. I often purposely take pictures with white space so that I can embellish or journal the area. I also embellished the pre-made 3x4 cards with stamps. 

First let me apologize for the horrible picture!  Not lots of journaling on this spread.  The top left pocket holds a picture of a quilt square my daughter and I made for the daycare quilt.  As you can see we used lots of scrapbooking goodies to create the quilt square.  I embellished a SC card with stamps and letter stickers.

A handmade 4x6 journaling card, a filler card and a confetti pocket complete this page.  I didn't add anything else because the pictures themselves are 'busy' and tell the story on their own.  

The back of the insert...such a horrible picture! Stupid glare!  I wanted to use the color orange and didn't have a premade journaling card in that color so I  created another handmade journaling card.  I used a really old stamp and slapped a label on top and called it done!

I let the pictures tell the story this week and used very little fluff.  I tend to do this when I have tons of pictures from an event such as a birthday.  I'm sure many other things happened this week and they went undocumented. I'm OK with that. This is my 3rd year documenting our life PL style and I no longer have the need to document every little detail every week.  

TIP:   Let your pictures do the talking.  When you have lots of 'busy' pictures tell the story on one or two journaling cards and let the pictures tell the rest of the story without any added embellishments or labels. 

Thanks for stopping by!

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  1. Really lovely spreads! I love how you used lots of photos, that is totally my style!

  2. Your title Ellison Park is my favorite. That photo is beautiful and the way you added the title in there looks perfect!
